Why am I putting this poem in a box to begin with? It's a good poem, I should share it with others, not try to hide it. This poem is so perfect I’ll probably get an award. Actually this poem is so amazing that I can’t share it with other people and because there could be imitators that might want to copy its beauty. This poem is on such a grand scale that it is always changing and expanding and it can’t be contained in a mere box like other poems. But what if the very thing that makes it so unique is also a curse? What if its limitless potential sparks debate all around the world causing nothing to get done? People begin to lose sleep and start skipping meals all because of a poem that I came up with during a warm shower. Oh no, I can already feel myself getting lost in the poem! I’ll just cut the poem in half… and now I’m stuck with two amazing ever-expanding poems. The only solution now is to get rid of it. Maybe I could mail it off to a desert in Amazon and all I will need is a box…